Using a sheet of water color paper, pencil, water color paint, X-Acto knife and a Micron pen, I created a 21.5in x 5.75in pop up anatomical violin.
For this project, I wanted to show how music can become a part of a person, so I chose to show an instrument as being part of a very vital part of the human body, the spine.
Although I made this in 2015, I revisited it and added the outline in 2017. Upon taking another look at this project, I decided that without an outline, my image was lacking emphasis. There was a very faint outline done in pencil, and I felt that it wasn’t quite enough as the vertebrae were getting a little lost, and not standing out quite as much.
In 2015, this was one of my first experiences with water color, and it proved to be very rewarding. I was actually very surprised with the fact that I was able to create such a dark black color on the pegs, f-holes, and chin rest of the violin using my red, yellow, and blue water color paints.

Provided below are images of the 2015 original, and my file management for this project: