I participated in a workshop at Alfred State taught by Annette Heully on Thursday. She taught us about plating, which is weaving with paper.
At first I stayed basic, just doing a simple straight cut and weave. I was not quite satisfied with my result, so since there was extra time I took the liberty of getting more creative with it. I cut the orange paper in a different way, straying from perfect straight lines, hoping to create a feeling of movement after weaving the other pieces of paper. The weaved pieces are actually a printed photo that was cut into strips. I chose those strips because I knew the blues would complement the orange paper well.
Upon completion, I ended up with a very satisfying symmetrical piece that still strays from rules, creating movement, direction, and high contrast. I’m pleased with the final piece, and I think that plating is definitely something I’d like to play more with!
Thanks, Annette!